As always go to the exact location you want to scan at to do your pre-testing there. It's very possible one will have an amazing signal and the other might not even work. your device to a cellular network or a WiFi near you and check for the latest security updates or upgrade to the latest Android version with a single touch. Be sure to check both major carriers ATT and Verizon. The cellular network at the school site has a very weak signal or no access.

Feature phone Smartphone Mobile Phones 3G Cellular network, smartphone. Since the barcodes are sequential this might cause a notification to go to the wrong parent. Barcode Scanners Symbol Technologies scanner Handheld Devices, Computer, gadget. Assuming you are hand entering the barcode number on the computer you might accidentally input the wrong number.
Cellular network scanner update#
Need to locate a student account and give them a new barcode number, update a parents email or phone number? This type of access requires a laptop and the scanner makes locating the student record that much faster. The laptop can update student accounts that the mobile app can not.Done! Now imagine typing the number on the keyboard, but there is a line of 15 students and 5 minutes until the bell rings. The first scan brings up the students account, click a check box, then assigned the barcode tag number by scanning it. It makes accepting the student permission form a breeze.Assuming the laptop has a good wifi connection, expect that it will be 20% faster than the phone. A good scanner can be faster than scanning with a phone.Reasons for getting at least one laptop connected barcode scanner